Gender representation in advertising

 1) Find three adverts featuring women that are from the 1950s or 1960s. Save the images to your Media folder as jpegs and then import them into your blog post. Hint: You may wish to look at car, perfume or cleaning products but can use any product you wish.

2) Find three adverts featuring women that are from post-2000. Save the images to your Media folder as jpegs and then import them into your blog post.

3) What stereotypes of women can you find in the 1950s and 1960s adverts? Give specific examples. 

Adverts featuring women constantly had the recurring theme of sexualising women and looking a certain way to attract men or focusing solely on domestic work. Women have been objectified and in plenty of advertisements, they try to present what an "ideal woman" must look like and must do which gives men the impression that that's what they should be expecting.

4) What stereotypes of women can you find in the post-2000s adverts? Give specific examples.

Over the years women advertising product have gotten better, especially the stereotype that women are housewives. Gender reprerse3ntationsa have progressed a lot since the 1950's but the idea that a woman has one job which is to cater for a man is still existent and engulfed with humour.

5) How do your chosen adverts suggest representations of gender have changed over the last 60 years? 

Women in modern adverts are represented as working in the workplace as well as capable of doing things themselves. As time progresses, inclusivity also increases.


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